Retelit -
Betreiber von Telco- sdwie IT-Lösungen in den Provinzen Parma, Reggio Emilia und Piacenza. Telco operator and IT solutions provider in the provinces of Parma, Reggio Emilia and Piacenza. Operatore Telco e fornitore di soluzioni IT nelle province di Parma, Reggio Emilia e Piacenza. The largest interconnection hub in Italy (Avalon Campus) and an ecosystem ofinfrastructure andplatforms fordigitization Il più grande interconnection hub in Italia (Avalon Campus) e un ecosistema di infrasrrutture e piattaforme per la digitalizzazione Services für Betreiber und Unternehmen, die auf proprietären Plattformen und Infrastrukturen basieren Infrastructure and platform based services for Opertors and Companies Servizi basati su piattaforme e infrastrutture di proprietà per operatori e aziende Marktführer für Telekommunikations- und Cloud-Dienste auf der Achse Mailand-München Leader for telecommunication and cloud services onthe Milan-Munich axis Leader per i servizi di telecomunicazione e cloud sull'asse Milano-Monaco


A history of investments, a universe of skills

An excellent proprietary network that serves the main urban and industrialized areas of the country and connects the main European cities, the Middle East, Asia and the United States, an innovative services platform that gives modularity, scalability and flexibility to the offer portfolio, a lean and proactive organization that allows timely and efficient responses to market needs and a network of partners selected to develop a highly innovative ecosystem of solutions that are always updated with market trends make Retelit a primary operator of integrated digital an innovative solutions in Italy. The uniqueness of Retelit lies in being able to natively cover, on its own platforms, the entire value chain of ICT services.

Thanks to important M&A projects, Retelit now counts on a complete offer that covers the entire ICT value chain, from infrastructure to data, from network management to applications.