Retelit -


Leader for telecommunication and cloud services on the Milan-Munich axis

Founded in 1998 in Bolzano, Brennercom S.p.A. is the leading provider in the ICT sector on the Milan-Munich axis, proposing itself to companies as a single interlocutor able to develop complete and tailor-made solutions for every need. The Retelit Group company offers services in the areas of Networking, IT Services & Cloud, Security and Unified Communication & Collaboration, including the first hyperconverged cloud in Italy through its 3 Data Centers owned in Bolzano, Trento and Innsbruck, and holds numerous certifications including AgID as a cloud provider for the Public Administration.

Thanks to several operational offices with about 200 employees spread across Bolzano, Trento, Rovereto and Innsbruck and a highly specialized NOC, Brennercom serves over 10,000 customers including top companies in South Tyrol, Trentino, Verona and Tyrol. Brennercom is also active in Austria and Germany. Its international vocation has in fact led to the establishment of Brennercom Tirol GmbH in Innsbruck and Brennercom Deutschland GmbH in Munich. The subsidiary BCOMM Building Communications Infrastructure GmbH in Austria is also among the Brennercom companies.





Brennercom S.p.A. - Company subject to management and coordination by Retelit SpA.

P.IVA 01710910215
Via Pacinotti 12 - I-39100 Bolzano
Phone: +39 0471 1953298

Other offices
Via Ernesto Sestan 5 - I-38121 Trento - Phone: +39 0461 1731730
Via per Marco 12/c I-38068 Rovereto TN - Phone: +39 0464 514606
Eduard-Bodem-Gasse - A-6020 Innsbruck - Phone: +43(0)512 279279

Betreiber von Telco- sdwie IT-Lösungen in den Provinzen Parma, Reggio Emilia und Piacenza. Telco operator and IT solutions provider in the provinces of Parma, Reggio Emilia and Piacenza. Operatore Telco e fornitore di soluzioni IT nelle province di Parma, Reggio Emilia e Piacenza. The largest interconnection hub in Italy (Avalon Campus) and an ecosystem ofinfrastructure andplatforms fordigitization Il più grande interconnection hub in Italia (Avalon Campus) e un ecosistema di infrasrrutture e piattaforme per la digitalizzazione Services für Betreiber und Unternehmen, die auf proprietären Plattformen und Infrastrukturen basieren Infrastructure and platform based services for Opertors and Companies Servizi basati su piattaforme e infrastrutture di proprietà per operatori e aziende Marktführer für Telekommunikations- und Cloud-Dienste auf der Achse Mailand-München Leader for telecommunication and cloud services onthe Milan-Munich axis Leader per i servizi di telecomunicazione e cloud sull'asse Milano-Monaco