27 January 2015

Press release of the Retelit S.p.a. Board of Auditors

With a letter dated 22 January 2015, Consob asked the Board of Auditors, pursuant to article 114, paragraph 5 of the Consolidated Law on Finance, to formulate its considerations in regards the decision making process through which the criteria for determining the issue price for the new shares was determined, for the proposed capital increase, with the exclusion of the option right (pursuant to article 2441, fifth paragraph, Civil Code and article 158, first paragraph of Legislative Decree 58/1998) connected:

Press Releases
(i) to the agreement signed on 1 October 2014 between the Company, e-via s.p.a. and KBC Telco Infrastructure Pty Limited (hereafter, also just “KBC Operation”); (ii) the agreement signed on 24 November 2014 between the Company, GEM Global Yield Fund LLC SCS and GEM Investments America LLC (hereafter, also just "GEM Operation"). This, taking also account of the contents of the reports issued by the auditing firm Mazars on the share issue price relative to the aforementioned share capital increases with exclusion of the option right, published on the Company's website. In compliance with what has been requested by Consob, the Board of Auditors makes the following observations.
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