02 November 2017

From ABS to GDPR: how to make yourself safe on the road and your company data secure

Retelit Security Day will be held on November 15 at the Franciacorta (BS) motor circuit. The event features a safe driving refresher course including tests at the circuit, in addition to the presentation of rules to prevent business IT attacks

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The first Retelit Security Day hosted by Retelit S.p.A., a leading telecommunication sector data services and infrastructure player, will focus on how to create an IT safety culture using innovative and experimental techniques. On Wednesday November 15 at the Franciacorta (BS) motor circuit, expert highway safety drivers will teach ICT managers the key rules for safe driving: participants at the event will learn how to control their vehicles and to overcome obstacles on the road with testing on the circuit. Following these lessons, the Retelit team taken from Management and the Marketing and sales departments will outline to attendees the precautions necessary to keep company data safe from threats, demonstrating the similarities between good total safety driving practice and that to prevent data violation and safeguard system integrity. “IT security training is fundamental for businesses” - stated Luca Cardone, Retelit’s Marketing Manager. “Attacks on sensitive data can be prevented through applying basic good practice to reduce as much as possible network and IT system vulnerability and to improve awareness among in-house personnel. In Italy, a reactive culture to damage often prevails rather than one focused on prevention. The added value of days such as these is the enjoyment factor. The format of the safe driving lessons grabs the attention of our representatives, therefore clearly getting across the key messages for company security”. Creating a more pervasive network protection and dedicated infrastructure management culture, Retelit has drawn up 10 golden cyber security rules which contrast ten similar safe driving rules representing common good practice for road users as promoted by the main motoring associations. SAFE DRIVING COMMANDMENTS: FASTEN YOUR SEATBELT RESPECT THE HIGHWAY CODE RESPECT THE SPEED LIMITS CHECK THE TIRES DRIVE ONLY IF YOU ARE CLEAR-HEADED PROTECT BABIES ON-BOARD DON’T DISTRACT YOURSELF WHEN DRIVING STOP WHEN YOU ARE TIRED ALWAYS USE A HELMET BE COURTEOUS AND RESPECTFUL CYBERSECURITY COMMANDMENTS: ACTIVATE AND UPDATE THE ANTIVIRUS SYSTEMS COMPLY WITH THE GENERAL DATA PROTECTION REGULATION (GDPR) RESPECT THE COMPANY SECURITY RULES CHECK THAT THE SYSTEMS ARE UPDATED USE INTRUSION PREVENTION SYSTEMS PROTECT DATA BY ALWAYS BACKING UP BE AWARE OF SUSPECT SITES/E-MAILS CHECK FOR ARCHITECTURAL WEAKNESSES ALWAYS USE THE FIREWALL DON’T INSTALL SOFTWARE OF DOUBTFUL ORIGIN Those interested in attending the safe driving and network protection lesson should access: https://www.retelit.it/it/forms/retelit-security-day.aspx
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