17 September 2018 - 15:12


Retelit -
Press Releases

IRIDEOS, the new Italian ICT hub for companies and the Public Administration, obtained from the Uptime Institute Tier IV Design  certification for its data center in Rome.

The Uptime Institute, the US agency that classifies the data centers according to four levels, has recognized to the Roman data center of IRIDEOS the highest level of guarantee for business continuity, with an availability of over 99.99%.

The Roman data center of IRIDEOS has a completely redundant architecture in terms of electrical systems, cooling and fiber optic network that allows maintaining the integrity of service without ever interrupting the availability of servers and network devices hosted on the data center. "Tier IV criteria are based on the ability to detect and isolate a fault within critical systems in a facility without impacting on energy delivery and cooling to critical areas."- explains Sandro Falleni, Director of Technologies and Systems of IRIDEOS -" The IRIDEOS customers who entrust us with their systems have the highest guarantee of security and operational continuity, thanks also to redundant fiber connections and customized solutions for Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity. "

IRIDEOS thus enters the restricted number of companies in Italy to have obtained Tier IV certification and is the only one to have a Tier IV certified data center inside Rome's Grande Raccordo Anulare.

The IRIDEOS technological platform integrates 12 data centers, in Milan, Rome, Trento and Verona, all connected with proprietary fiber, the largest Italian private Internet exchange (Avalon) and a fiber-optic network of over 15,000 km along major highways. Two advanced cloud platforms (based on OpenStack and VMware) and a team dedicated to the management of customers’ information systems complete IRIDEOS distinctive features. Infrastructures and expertise allows IRIDEOS to better support companies in their digital transformation process, with advanced and  customized connectivity, data center, cloud and outsourcing solutions.

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