06 September 2018 - 08:31
Retelit S.p.A. (MTA: LIT.MI) is today at Borsa Italiana’s headquarters at the “Palazzo Mezzanotte” for Italian Infrastructure Day 2018, an event of Italian Equity Week organized by Borsa Italiana. Over 180 listed and non-listed companies and 200 investors from across the globe (Europe, USA, Australia, Asia) will take part, representing 130 investment cases and involving almost 1,400 meetings.
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Retelit, which for over 20 years has played a crucial role in the network infrastructure sector, will hold one-to-one meetings with the Italian and international financial community to outline to the market the Group strategy, the 2018 half-year results and company projects.
The Chief Executive Officer Federico Protto, the CFO Fabio Bortolotti and the IR Advisor Vincenza Colucci of CDR Communication will participate at the event.
Federico Protto stated: “Retelit possesses an infrastructure and expertise in the TLC sector which is matched by very few companies. Retelit’s fiber optic network now extends to over 12,500 kilometers in Italy and, thanks to the AAE-1 fiber optic system, connects Europe, the Middle East and Asia, through the proprietary Bari landing station, making Southern Italy and Palermo a true telecommunications hub in the Mediterranean. In addition to connecting three continents at high speeds, Retelit has put in place connections and partnerships at a global level with the main international operators, the European digital hubs and the Internet eXchanges. Thanks to these assets, the Group increasingly plays a key role in the advancing digital transformation of the Italian economy, as demonstrated by our participation at this event. In order to continue in this direction, we are steadfastly committed to delivering upon the plans and commercial development identified in the 2018-2022 Industrial Plan, which to date fully correlates to the growth forecasts.
“The economic and financial performance - concluded the CEO- in addition to order numbers, as indicated in the half-year results are in line with current year guidance, which is also confirmed”.
Italian Equity Week, organised by Borsa Italiana, with the support of Confindustria and in collaboration with Bain & Company, Banca Akros – Banco BPM Group, Banca IMI – Intesa Sanpaolo Group, Citi, Equita SIM, HSBC, Intermonte SIM, Kepler-Cheuvreux, McKinsey & Company, Mediobanca and Unicredit, brings companies and domestic and international investors specialised in various sectors together and at the same time outlines to non-listed companies the opportunities offered by access to the capital markets. Over the three days, the participating companies (both listed and non-listed) will be involved in strategic sector briefings, an IPO Forum and one-to-one and one-to-many meetings with leading Italian and international investors.