02 April 2020

Emergenza Covid: Retelit e Huawei sostengono gli ospedali Cotugno di Napoli e Zhongshan della Fudan University di Shanghai

Covid-19 emergency: the first video conference was held today in Naples between the doctors of Cotugno Hospital and the team from the Zhongshan Hospital in Shanghai who followed the epidemic in China on the front line. The exchange of experiences made possible by Huawei and Retelit technologies.

Press Releases
This morning a medical team of selected specialists from the Cotugno hospital in Naples connected via videoconference with a medical team from the Zhongshan hospital in Shanghai.

The connection, which lasted about two hours, was an opportunity for discussion between two primary health institutions and allowed Chinese doctors to make best practices available at a diagnostic and treatment level, while the Cotugno team shared the local experience and ongoing pharmacological trials.

The Colli Hospitals, of which Cotugno is a part, are the first facility to take advantage of this opportunity, which will involve eleven more Italian hospitals.

The connection was possible thanks to the solution made available and installed in a very short time by Huawei and Retelit, which respectively provided the video conferencing equipment and cloud technology which, through secure storage systems, allows timely access to data and patient records.

In the current health emergency, the central role that digital technologies can play in facilitating diagnostics, visits and remote treatments has become evident, but also in connecting doctors and researchers from all over the world to share information, experiences and best practices.

This is a fundamentally important practice that can make it possible to quickly identify the most effective treatment protocols but which requires adequate technological equipment from the structures in the area. Hence the importance of the so-called digital solidarity, which calls technology companies to offer their contribution and the best resources.

In some cases, the system is also used for the connection between different hospitals or more facilities within the same hospital, thus reducing the chances of contagion and increasing safety.   

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