12 maggio 2021 - 12:46

3DS Outscale, Aruba, AWS, Coretech, Infoclip, Irideos, Leaseweb, OVHcloud, and Scaleway to declare first cloud infrastructure services adhering to SWIPO IaaS Code for data porting

The services declared today serve millions of businesses and end-users across Europe providing cloud customers.

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Cloud customers assured of transparent data portability and switching between cloud infrastructures in support of EU Regulation to prevent “vendor lock-in” and promote choice in Europe’s digital ecosystem.

Brussels, May 12th 2021Members of CISPE, the alliance of Cloud Infrastructure Services Providers in Europe, today declared the first twenty-one (21) cloud services meeting the requirements of the SWIPO (Switching Cloud Providers and Porting Data) Codes of Conduct for Infrastructure (IaaS). The services declared today serve millions of businesses and end-users across Europe providing cloud customers with greater control of their data.   CISPE members are the first companies to provide voluntary guidance for some of their cloud infrastructure services in support of Article 6 “Porting of Data” of the Free Flow on Non- personal Data Regulation (EU). More companies are expected to declare their services in the coming weeks. These declarations will provide greater transparency to cloud customers on how companies support the switching process and help secure the safe transfer of data to a new provider and portability of nonpersonal data.   “The first twenty-one services were declared today by 8 CISPE members: 3DS Outscale, Aruba, Amazon Web Services (AWS), CoreTech, Infoclip, Irideos, OVHcloud and Scaleway. Today’s declarations are a milestone for cloud service providers in Europe and for the millions of customers that use these services,” said Alban Schmutz, Chairman of CISPE.   “GAIA-X will take and build-upon great cloud related initiatives like CISPE’s support for SWIPO’s IaaS Code of Conduct,” said Francesco Bonfiglio, CEO of GAIA-X. For more than 3 years, CISPE members have worked with other cloud providers and their customers, including EuroCIO (the European non-profit organisation representing large IT users), Cigref (representing 150 large French companies and public administrations using digital solutions) and the European Commission’s Switching and Porting (SWIPO) Working Group to ensure data portability for their cloud infrastructure services. This commitment and the declaration of services made today under the SWIPO IaaS code will enable customers to switch between different cloud infrastructure services providers with greater control of their data.   About SWIPO Launched in April 2018 and facilitated by the European Commission, the SWIPO initiative developed two Codes of Conduct for both Cloud infrastructure and Software as a Services. Both codes were handed over to the European Commission in November 2019. SWIPO AISBL non-profit association was created to manage service declarations against both codes. This mechanism and the possibility to declare services became available in 2021.   About CISPE CISPE is an association of cloud infrastructure service providers in Europe. CISPE has 34 members with global headquarters in 14 EU Member States. CISPE has developed the first GDPR code of conduct which encourages the storage and processing of personal data exclusively in Europe. Since 2017, with EuroCIO and then with CIGREF, CISPE has co-chaired the working group developing industry Codes of Conducts which facilitate and enable data portability. This was established by the European Commission within the framework of EU Regulations on the Free Flow of non-personal Data. In addition, CISPE is among the 22 founding members of the Gaia-X initiative and the convener of the Climate Neutral Data Centre Pact.
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